Public Conference | Footprints : Human First, working conditions for artists

Durée : 1h30
Taking care of business, taking care of yourself : health and social issues in the music industry
Speakers : Cura Collective
Working in music today leads to two fundamental questions: how to become the next Avicii, and also, how to avoid becoming the next Avicii? In success as in indifference or failure, pursuing a career in the artistic field can lead to immense satisfaction as well as deep disappointment. In the streaming age, how healthy is the European music industry?
In an industry run by passionate projects, unstable economy and intense activity, agents and musicians are confronted with serious health and social issues that many european surveys recently revealed concerning figures. The french Cura collective is composed of journalists, naturopath, producer and artists who are willing to collect and share information in the music industry networks in order to tackle some topics that should be seriously taken into account.
Conférence dans le cadre de la semaine Ateliers Footprints du 15 au 21 Juin. Semaine dédiée aux lauréat·es européen·nes du projet Footprints.